Sunday 29 August 2010

Yolanda Be Cool vs DCUP - We No Speak Americano

This is the video of the song 'We No Speak Americano' by Yolanda Be Cool vs DCup. It was released on the independant Australian music label 'Sweat It Out' on February 27th 2010.

The video very different to most music video's seen and created, unlike many others, does not contain a character singing the words. The video is purely acting based and takes the stlye of an old balck and white movie, with the characters 'overacting'. As there arent many, if any other music video's done in this style, it gives the video a very unique feel.

I personally am a fan of this video as it is something new, exciting and fresh when it comes to music videos.

Justin Timberlake - Lovestoned

Justin Timberlake - Lovestoned was released on june 4th 2007.

The video starts with neon blue sound waves on a black background, following both the rhytm and beat of the opening of the song (containing no lyrics as of yet), this goes on for 5 seconds before we hear Justin's voice; but there picture is still only of the sound waves.

We first see Justin Timberlake's (JT) face at 10 seconds where his face is weaved in withing and is part of the sound waves, still following the beat of the music.

This continues with JT singing and the video following his voice (lip sync). Another character, a female is later introduced at 28 sconds, her face, like JT's is made up of sound waves. I think she is put into the video as her is talking about being Lovestoned with a woman, and this woman is put into picture form using this character.

Various shots of JT are used while he is made up of the sound waves, ranging from long shots of him dancing as well as singing to close up shots focusinf more on his face and the words. I felt the closer we got to his face and mouth the more serious the lyrics feel and the more emphasis is put on the lyrics.
At 2;42 minutes, he speaks about using a guitar and the next shot is of him playing the guitar, still in sound wave form. So at this point all characters and props shown are all in the sound wave form.

From 3:29 to 3:44 there is a guitar solo, where the music turn from a more upbeat tempo to a more peacfull and relaxed one, the picture mirrors this as the sound waves slow down and turns into a more mezmorising picture.

At 3:43 the picture fazes into a picture of white, the lyrics are still playing and JT soon fades in, wearing a white suit in a white setting; giving the picture a clearer fee. We understand the lyrics when the picture is in sound waves, but when it becomes clearer the lyrics become more understandable than they previously where; with the focus just being on the lyrics rather than the busy picture.Again in the second set, there are a variety of shots used; two of which are extreme long shots, where we are able to see him from head to toe as well as the setting he is in; and a close up shot where the attention is again focused on his face and the emotions he portrays with the lyrics he is using.

The video ends with the lyrics ending and the white turning back into the first theme, with the black background and neon blue sound waves closing the video. I personally like this video as it is different to what is normally seen and made, but keeping with JT's image, of being a suave, charming singer.